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  • McClearn, D., E. Castro, R. Coleman, J. Espeleta, C. García-Robledo, A. Gilman, J. González, A.T. Joyce, E. K. Kuprewicz, et al. In press. 2016. The Caribbean Lowland Evergreen Moist and Wet Forests. in: Kappelle, M. (ed.). Costa Rican Ecosystems. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago, Il.
  • García-Robledo, C., E. K. Kuprewicz, W.J. Kress, C.L. Staines, T.L. Erwin. 2016. Limited tolerance by insects to high temperatures across tropical elevational gradients and the implications of global warming for extinction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113(3): 680-685. PDF
  • Kuprewicz. E. K. 2015. Scatter hoarding of seeds confers survival advantages and disadvantages to large-seeded tropical plants at different life stages. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0124932. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124932. PDF
  • García-Robledo, C., E. K. Kuprewicz, et al. 2014. First record of the genus Chelobasis Gray 1832 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) in México (North America). Coleopterists Bulletin 68(4): 774-775. PDF
  • Kuprewicz. E. K.*, C. García-Robledo*, C. L. Staines, W. J. Kress, and T. L. Erwin. 2013. Using a comprehensive DNA barcode library to detect novel egg and larval host plant associations in Cephaloleia Rolled-leaf Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110(1): 189–198. * equal first authors. PDF
  • Kuprewicz, E. K. 2013. Mammal abundances and seed defense traits control the seed dispersal and predation roles of terrestrial mammals in a Costa Rican rain forest. Biotropica 45(3): 333–342. PDF
  • Kuprewicz, E. K. 2010. The effects of large terrestrial mammals on seed fates, hoarding, and seedling survival in a Costa Rican rain forest. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Miami. 99 pp.
  • Kuprewicz, E. K. and C. García-Robledo. 2010. Mammal and insect seed predation of chemically and structurally defended Mucuna holtonii (Fabaceae) seeds in a Costa Rican rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 26: 263–269. PDF
  • Kuprewicz, E. K.* and C. García-Robledo*. 2009. Vertebrate fruit removal and ant seed dispersal in the neotropical ginger Renealmia alpinia (Zingiberaceae). Biotropica 41(2): 209–214. * equal first authors. (Winner of Outstanding Student Paper Award, 2009, Department of Biology, University of Miami). PDF

  • García-Robledo, C., E. K. Kuprewicz, and C. L. Staines. 2007. Hispine-like herbivore damage in Canna bangii (Zingiberales: Cannaceae) by Anopsilus weevils (Curculionidae: Baridinae). Coleopterists Bulletin 61(3): 468–470. PDF



  • Kuprewicz, E. K. 2014. Using artificial fruits to decipher agouti seed dispersal decisions. Amigos Newsletter No. 82. Wilson Botanical Garden, Las Cruces Biological Station, Organization for Tropical Studies. PDF